Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tower of London

I have very fond memories of the Tower of London, odd since it has such a grusome history!

I remember going on a tour of London with my little brother when we were in our early 20's. We'd had so many arguments about sleeping arrangements and food and tourist sites that we almost couldn't stand each other anymore - it was like we were kids again. Anyway we went 'round the tour of London and my brother started asking so many questions and I knew the answers! He was astounded! So he kept asking and I kept telling him about everything I knew from the "princes in the tower" and Richard the III to Henry VIII to Lady Jane Gray and so on. I think that visit saved that trip and we've been so much closer ever since.

Also my brother took this lovely photo of me walking through a big archway. It's only my back but I have a tartan skirt and cap and look like part of that ye olde time place!

Below is a link to some pics of the Towers:

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